The management and protection of the user's personal data on the website is governed by the provisions of applicable laws on the protection of personal data, the decisions of the competent authority and the present terms. retains the personal data of the users of the website that will come to its knowledge, taking all necessary measures to preserve the confidentiality of this information.

Therefore, such information is never disclosed to third parties unless required by law and / or competent authorities.

If users are sent to third party sites via special links, hyperlinks, banners, is not responsible for the terms and conditions of managing and protecting their personal data.

The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (ISG 2016/679), any specific national and European legislation in certain areas, the applicable Greek law on the protection of personal data, as well as the protection of of personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (Law 3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Data Protection Authority (ASCP)